
Marketing Techniques That Will Work For A Coaching Institute

Marketing Techniques That Will Work For You

If you are a tutor or a coaching institute, in this article you will get to know about some amazing yet effective marketing techniques that have worked for many others. So, here is the list of 5 most relevant marketing techniques:

1.   Referral Marketing

Referral marketing as the name indicates is marketing done through a word of mouth reference from your past or existing students. Without doubt, we do all agree that it’s most effective marketing channel contributing to approximately 70% of students in your class. But are you actually using this marketing channel effectively and what else can you do to generate more references? Here are few tips:

Reviews are referral too

Ask your students to review your coaching institute or class on your website or other social media profile like Facebook, YouTube,, LinkedIn etc. Reviews will not only send across a strong positive message about your coaching institute but also create a lot of referrals and admissions.

Collaborate with influential website

Work hand in hand with blogs and websites such as having lots of student following. Request such websites to review your institute and write an article or record an interview video. It will not only give you free content but also generate a lot of references and credibility.

Implement Referral Programs

Sometimes students need an inducement to refer. So be it, you give them what they want on each successful reference. As part of the program, you can set up referral marketing campaign, in which students are provided with some freebies or discount on referring your coaching to their friends, or share about your institute on Facebook, WhatsApp community etc.

2.   Lead Management

One big challenge for the coaching institutes is to generate enough enquires and then convert those enquires into admissions. But at the same time, you tend to ignore the importance of managing the student inquiries properly so that there are no lost, forgotten or missed leads. Most of the coaching institutes and tutors manage student enquires on a piece of paper on excel, which may seem alright when you have a very limited number of enquiries, but as soon as the number starts to increase, without doubt, you will find managing the leads unmanageable. That’s where you should consider a robust and well thought out online software from KnowYourTutor named “KYT CRM”. It’s online, fairly easy to use and just takes 5 minutes to setup and start using. Having KYT CRM, you can be sure that your student enquires are never missed, can be assigned to your marketing team and you will have a real-time update on the progress of those leads. As the saying goes, “money saved is money earned”, in the same way, KYT CRM will completely stop leakage of leads and will ensure better output.

3.   Digital Marketing

Advertisement in the past was mainly limited to companies with a big budget and abundant resources. Good that digital channels have made reaching out to target audience easy and cheap. In advertisement as the saying goes “content is king” and being a teacher, you are full of knowledge and experiences that can be converted in useful content and distributed through various online channels. YouTube, Facebook, SlideShare, Blogs, Email, Twitter, KnowYourTutor are few important channels that you can consider to connect with students. Don’t ignore it’s importance, its high time to get onboard if you are not yet, because students are looking for your online, and if you are not there then someone else is.

4.   Seminars & Online Webinars

A webinar is an interesting way to conduct seminar over the web. Using it, you can present online to your audience in real time, interact with them and answer their queries. I believe it’s an effective channel to share your knowledge with prospective students. Consider it as a convenient alternative to in-person seminars which are difficult to carry out and expensive. Webinars on the hand are cheap,  have an unlimited reach and can be conducted any time of the day as convenient. The best thing is that webinars can be recorded and reused later on as required. There are various online free tools available such as “GoToMeeting”, “”, “Skype”, “google hangout” etc. to carry out webinars. Do check them out and go hi-tech.

5.   Freebies

Who doesn’t like freebies, especially in India? Also, it’s a great tool to make others talk about your brand or at least have a long remembrance. Have you ever seen a student with branded backpacks? Imagine, to how many people that student is promoting that brand. However, if you are short on budget and would like to keep the expenses low, consider options that are long-lasting and economical, such as free test series, a compilation of tips & tricks, list of frequently asked questions or recorded videos. Digital content is easy to distribute, has a wide reach and, if good, can create a +ve and long lasting effect. However, brands are not built in a day, it requires consistency and the right strategy.

Contact us if your marketing is not working out well or find yourself in need of help. Write us at or WhatsApp at 8872287788